Uses of Class

Packages that use ParseException
com.hp.hpl.sparta A light-weight, simplified XML parser, DOM, and XPATH interpreter. 
com.hp.hpl.thermopylae Standard W3C DOM wrappers around the sparta non-standard DOM so that it can be used by packages such as Xalan that require the standard DOM. 

Uses of ParseException in com.hp.hpl.sparta

Subclasses of ParseException in com.hp.hpl.sparta
 class EncodingMismatchException
          Thrown when declared encoding does not match assumed encoding.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.sparta that throw ParseException
 void ParseHandler.startDocument()
 void ParseHandler.endDocument()
 void ParseHandler.startElement(Element element)
 void ParseHandler.endElement(Element element)
 void ParseHandler.characters(char[] buf, int offset, int len)
static Document Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, reader)
static Document Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, reader, ParseLog log)
static Document Parser.parse( file, ParseLog log)
static Document Parser.parse( file)
static Document Parser.parse(java.lang.String xml)
static Document Parser.parse(char[] xml)
          Fastest parser method takes a character array containing an XML message
static Document Parser.parse(byte[] xml)
static Document Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, reader, ParseLog log, java.lang.String encoding)
static Document Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, istream, ParseLog log)
static Document Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, istream)
static Document Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, istream, ParseLog log, java.lang.String guessedEncoding)
static void Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, reader, ParseHandler ph)
static void Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, reader, ParseLog log, ParseHandler ph)
static void Parser.parse( file, ParseLog log, ParseHandler ph)
static void Parser.parse( file, ParseHandler ph)
static void Parser.parse(java.lang.String xml, ParseHandler ph)
static void Parser.parse(char[] xml, ParseHandler ph)
static void Parser.parse(byte[] xml, ParseHandler ph)
static void Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, istream, ParseLog log, ParseHandler ph)
static void Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, istream, ParseHandler ph)
static void Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, istream, ParseLog log, java.lang.String guessedEncoding, ParseHandler ph)
static void Parser.parse(java.lang.String systemId, reader, ParseLog log, java.lang.String encoding, ParseHandler ph)
 void DefaultParseHandler.startDocument()
 void DefaultParseHandler.endDocument()
 void DefaultParseHandler.startElement(Element element)
 void DefaultParseHandler.endElement(Element element)
 void DefaultParseHandler.characters(char[] buf, int off, int len)
 void Node.xpathSetStrings(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.String value)
          For an xpath expression of the form "xpathPrefix/@attrName" set the attribute "attrName" to attrValue on all elements that match "XpathPrefix" which is an arbitrary xpath expression matching elements, or for an xpath expression of the form "xpathPrefixe/text()" set the text of all matching text nodes.
 boolean Node.xpathEnsure(java.lang.String xpath)
          Make sure this XPath exists, creating nodes if necessary, returning true if any nodes created.
abstract  java.util.Enumeration Node.xpathSelectElements(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select all the elements that match the relative XPath expression with respect to this node.
abstract  java.util.Enumeration Node.xpathSelectStrings(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select all the strings that match the relative XPath expression with respect to this node.
abstract  Element Node.xpathSelectElement(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select the first element that matches the relative XPath expression with respect to this node, or null if there is no match.
abstract  java.lang.String Node.xpathSelectString(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select the first element that matches the relative XPath expression with respect to this node, or null if there is no match.
 java.util.Enumeration Document.xpathSelectElements(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select all the elements that match the absolute XPath expression in this document.
 java.util.Enumeration Document.xpathSelectStrings(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select all the strings that match the absolute XPath expression in this document.
 Element Document.xpathSelectElement(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select the first element that matches the absolute XPath expression in this document, or null if there is no match.
 java.lang.String Document.xpathSelectString(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select the first element that matches the absolute XPath expression in this document, or null if there is no match.
 boolean Document.xpathEnsure(java.lang.String xpath)
          Just like Node.xpathEnsure, but also handles case of no documentElement.
 Document.Index Document.xpathGetIndex(java.lang.String xpath)
          For faster lookup by XPath return (creating if necessary) an index.
 java.util.Enumeration Document.Index.get(java.lang.String attrValue)
 int Document.Index.size()
 java.util.Enumeration Element.xpathSelectElements(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select all the elements that match the relative XPath expression with respect to this element.
 java.util.Enumeration Element.xpathSelectStrings(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select all the strings that match the relative XPath expression with respect to this element.
 Element Element.xpathSelectElement(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select the first element that matches the relative XPath expression with respect to this element, or null if there is no match.
 java.lang.String Element.xpathSelectString(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select the first element that matches the relative XPath expression with respect to this element, or null if there is no match.

Uses of ParseException in com.hp.hpl.thermopylae

Methods in com.hp.hpl.thermopylae that throw ParseException
 void XMLReaderImpl.startDocument()
 void XMLReaderImpl.endDocument()
 void XMLReaderImpl.startElement(Element element)
 void XMLReaderImpl.endElement(Element element)
 void XMLReaderImpl.characters(char[] buf, int offset, int len)