Uses of Class

Packages that use Element
com.hp.hpl.sparta A light-weight, simplified XML parser, DOM, and XPATH interpreter. 
com.hp.hpl.thermopylae Standard W3C DOM wrappers around the sparta non-standard DOM so that it can be used by packages such as Xalan that require the standard DOM. 

Uses of Element in com.hp.hpl.sparta

Methods in com.hp.hpl.sparta that return Element
 Element Node.getParentNode()
abstract  Element Node.xpathSelectElement(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select the first element that matches the relative XPath expression with respect to this node, or null if there is no match.
 Element Text.xpathSelectElement(java.lang.String xpath)
          Not implemented.
 Element Document.getDocumentElement()
 Element Document.xpathSelectElement(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select the first element that matches the absolute XPath expression in this document, or null if there is no match.
 Element Element.cloneShallow()
          Create a shallow clone of this Element.
 Element Element.cloneElement(boolean deep)
          Create a clone of this node.
 Element Element.xpathSelectElement(java.lang.String xpath)
          Select the first element that matches the relative XPath expression with respect to this element, or null if there is no match.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.sparta with parameters of type Element
 void ParseHandler.startElement(Element element)
 void ParseHandler.endElement(Element element)
 void DefaultParseHandler.startElement(Element element)
 void DefaultParseHandler.endElement(Element element)
 void Document.setDocumentElement(Element rootElement)
 void Element.replaceChild(Element newChild, Node oldChild)
          Replace oldChild with newChild.

Uses of Element in com.hp.hpl.thermopylae

Methods in com.hp.hpl.thermopylae with parameters of type Element
 void XMLReaderImpl.startElement(Element element)
 void XMLReaderImpl.endElement(Element element)