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The Sparta
XPath expression languages is a subset of the full Xpath grammar..
It supports only the abbreviated syntax.
(These examples are taken from http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#path-abbrev)
- para:
- selects the para element children of the context node
- *:
- selects all element children of the context node
- text():
- selects all text node children of the context node
- @name:
- selects the name attribute of the context node
- para[1]:
- selects the first para child of the context node
- */para:
- selects all para grandchildren of the context node
- /doc/chapter[5]/section[2]:
- selects the second section of the fifth chapter
of the doc
- chapter//para:
- selects the para element descendants of the chapter
element children of the context node
- //para:
- selects all the para descendants of the document root and
thus selects all para elements in the same document as the
context node
- //olist/item:
- selects all the item elements in the same document as the
context node that have an olist parent
- .:
- selects the context node
- .//para:
- selects the para element descendants of the context node
- ..:
- selects the parent of the context node
- ../@lang:
- selects the lang attribute of the parent of the context
- para[@type="warning"]:
- selects all para children of the context node that have a
type attribute with value warning
The following examples are currently not supported
- @*:
- selects all the attributes of the context node
- para[last()]:
- selects the last para child of the context node
- chapter[title="Introduction"]:
- selects the chapter children of the context node that
have one or more title children with string-value equal to Introduction
- chapter[title]:
- selects the chapter children of the context node that
have one or more title children
- para[@type="warning"][5]:
- selects the fifth para child of the context node that has
a type attribute with value warning
- para[5][@type="warning"]:
- selects the fifth para child of the context node if that
child has a type attribute with value warning
- employee[@secretary and @assistant]:
- selects all the employee children of the context node
that have both a secretary attribute and an assistant
- location_path :=
- slash? step ( slash step )*
- slash ::=
- '/'
- | '//'
- step :=
- node_test ( '[' expr ']' )?
- node_test :=
- '.'
- '..'
- | '*'
- | 'text()'
- | name
- expr :=
- '@' name
- | '@' name = '"' string '"'
- | '@' name != '"' string '"'
- | number